We all must start somewhere


An idea born and prompting ignored

A couple of years ago this idea was born, I could not keep track of all that was taking place in my life, to many different things happening that I could not keep track of them all. To make matters worse work used one system, church used another, and I did not even bother to try and track anything at home. I was dropping so many things in so many areas of my life I needed something to help me. I explored so many different systems and pieces of software, yet none filled what I needed, or I always had to move information from one system to another.  How could I see a view of my life? How could I see a plan for my day that had everything? I asked these questions, I prayed about it, I heard do something about it. I even committed to doing something. It never became more that some ideas written on paper talked about and ignored lying dormant for years. So today well really a few weeks ago that changed. Over the next few months, I will finally be making something I can use. Even if I am the only person who ever reads this or uses it, I am doing what I was asked to do, and that is all that should matter to me. 

This journey is a leap of faith. I hear you and I am responding.