What is this


What am I making really

What is this? What is really the plan? 

These things you are to have answered before you start. I need a way to keep my prayers, my habits, my daily tasks and all the parts of my life in order and on one page. To be able to share the things I need to share and have prayer targets for everything that I need them for. I need to integrate into the system my church uses to get when I am serving and what events I need to go to. To see the view of my life from 30000 feet down to each individual task. Yet I am not really a task-oriented guy. I need to build this in a manner that is easy to use and simply works for me. I need to make sure I have his desires his insight in everything that I do. I need to pray through all that I am doing to make sure it is in line with the main goal of who I am in Him. Have I asked of Him in my wandering and my gaining of something to complete. Have I even answered the question? I am going to start with a way to track all my tasks, habits, prayers. I am going to keep it simple a dashboard of my life with reminders. That I can use from my phone or a website.